Hello World

I am Khalil,
a user experience designer
aka UX/UI designer based
in Casablanca, Morocco.


I have over 10 years of experience in creating user experiences. I have a skill set in design strategy, user research, information architecture and content strategy, user interface design and usability testing.

Download my resume (English version)
Télécharger mon CV (French version)


  • Visual Design
  • Branding Identity
  • UI Design
  • Product Design
  • Prototyping
  • Illustration



User experience designer

November 2017 - Present

- Animation of co-design workshops, user tests, observations and interviews to identify and refine user needs. planning, preparation and animation of interviews, tests and user workshops. the analysis of user feedback and its materialization in user journeys, user stories, user flow, etc. to ensure that user needs are defined, clear and known to all. Participation in the functional breakdown with the Product Manager and the Product Owner, ensuring user value. making the design adapted to the initial requirements and the needs of the users, and the planning of the functional, design and technical reviews with the various parties concerned. working closely with the Dev team to ensure the good quality of what is delivered. Creation of in-app guides to announce and support users in discovering the feature.


Senior Webdesigner

December 2011 - November 2017

Design of interactive eBooks for children eMADRASSA - INWI. Website redesign for the 1st voluntary chain of independent hotel restaurateurs in Europe (Logishotels) Website design of the Al Maaden Golf Resort & Al Maaden sites, the 1st real estate and tourism group in Morocco "Alliances". Redesign of the Morocco Mall website (2016 version). Branding, prototyping, development monitoring.

Actions Plus Web


May 2011 - September 2011

Graphic redesign of the company's website, various printing works (catalogues, business cards, flyers, etc.)

Bishops Solutions


Avril 2011 - May 2011

Graphic redesign of the company's website, various printing works (catalogues, business cards, flyers, etc.)

Edicom SA


August 2010 - Mars 2010

Design of advertising inserts for the yellow pages directory of Morocco "Télécontact", and the directory of Moroccan professionals "KOMPASS"


Private institute of business and management "IPAG"

Diploma in IT management

September 2006 - December 2008

Lorem ipsum Occaecat do esse ex et dolor culpa nisi ex in magna consectetur nisi cupidatat laboris esse eiusmod deserunt aute do quis velit esse sed Ut proident cupidatat nulla esse cillum laborum occaecat nostrud sit dolor incididunt amet est occaecat nisi.

Private institute "La Vision"

Diploma in Art, Graphic Design

September 2008 - July 2010

Lorem ipsum Occaecat do esse ex et dolor culpa nisi ex in magna consectetur nisi cupidatat laboris esse eiusmod deserunt aute do quis velit esse sed Ut proident cupidatat nulla esse cillum laborum occaecat nostrud sit dolor incididunt amet est occaecat nisi.

High school Ibnou mandour

Bachelor level, option « experimental science »

September 2005 - July 2006

Lorem ipsum Occaecat do esse ex et dolor culpa nisi ex in magna consectetur nisi cupidatat laboris esse eiusmod deserunt aute do quis velit esse sed Ut proident cupidatat nulla esse cillum laborum occaecat nostrud sit dolor incididunt amet est occaecat nisi.


What people are saying about me.

Author image Anass Drissi Bourhanbour Responsable Creative Studio Grenoble

Full of energy and motivation, enthusiastic and always smiling, creative and persevering. Having Khalil as UX/UI Designer in our various commitments was an assurance and guarantee of foolproof quality, whatever the field of activity of our clients, whatever the constraints and the type of projects.

Author image Adil El Abida Business Partner - Orange | MU TMT

Excepturi nam cupiditate culpa doloremque deleniti repellat. Veniam quos repellat voluptas animi adipisci. Nisi eaque consequatur. Voluptatem dignissimos ut ducimus accusantium perspiciatis. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Atque eos maxime.

Author image Satya Nadella CEO, Microsoft

Repellat dignissimos libero. Qui sed at corrupti expedita voluptas odit. Nihil ea quia nesciunt. Ducimus aut sed ipsam. Autem eaque officia cum exercitationem sunt voluptatum accusamus. Quasi voluptas eius distinctio. Voluptatem dignissimos ut.

Author image Jeff Bezos CEO, Amazon

Nunc interdum lacus sit amet orci. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac augue. Fusce vel dui. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo. Qui sed at corrupti expedita voluptas odit. Nihil ea quia nesciunt. Ducimus aut sed ipsam.

Get In Touch

I love to hear from you. Whether you have a project, a question or just want to chat about design, tech & art — shoot me a message.